Monday, 5 March 2018

8 warrior heroine: Nankanja Ruth

The name Ruth Nankanja symbolizes the beginning of sickle cell advocacy movement in Uganda. The now 40 year old lady started Sickle Cell Association of Uganda in July 2000 when she was just 22 years. She had just graduated from the prestigious Makerere University with a degree in Education. She has has been a consistent advocate and inspirational to many. Ruth contributed to the sickle cell advocacy movement in Kenya. She initiated sickle cell educationand counseling at Mulago Hospital Sickle Cell Clinic and with her leadership the clinic moved from plywood to fully furnished building operating 5 days a week.
Her plan is now to have a sickle cell centre which work 24/7 with all the services which they started mobilizing resources for through Annual sickle Cell Run.
What Philly Bongole did for AIDS is what Ruth Nanjkanja did for sickle cell in Uganda
#8warriorheroine #sicklecell

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